
Verisurf Preferences – open Verisurf Preferences – Display Settings dialog.

Toggle WCS Axes – toggles the display of the WCS axis symbol at the origin of the WCS.

Create 3D PDF – create an Adobe Acrobat 3D PDF file. Displays dimensional MBD, callouts, Datum Targets, and Analysis results.

Screenshot – captures graphics window images to be used in the Report Manager, Microsoft Paint, or Windows clipboard.

Notepad – add model-associated (Part) notes for the current model/file, or general notes that persist across all models.

Calculator – Windows system calculator.

Merge CAD Files – simultaneously (batch) merge multiple CAD files into a single file.
CAD Tools:

Minimum Bounding Box – used to determine the minimum material required for machining.

Auto Flip Normals – flip and correct surface normal direction for Inspect/Build or surface profile Analysis.

Power Select – select a seed surface and contiguous surfaces will be added to the selection.

Auto Hole-Axis – create hole axes, vectors, arcs, or points on all visible circular entities.

Hole-Axis – create a circle, centerline axis, centerpoint, or offset tooling point from a hole.

Pierce – create points at the intersection of line and surface entities.

Extend Lines – extend all or selected lines on the active CAD level.

Name Points – create labels to identify various points on the model, such as tooling
ball locations.

Fit Curve from Chain – fit splines through chained lines, arcs, and splines.

Grow Plane – grow selected CAD plane or selected CAD plane edge by 10%.

Shrink Plane – shrink selected CAD plane or selected CAD plane edge by 10%.

Trim Multiple Planes – trim selected planes at their intersections.

Trim Planes – trim (only) the first selected plane to the second selected plane.

Intersect Planes – create a line at the intersection of 2 planes or 2 planar entities.

Distance Between Planes – calculate the distance (parallel planes) or angle (non-parallel planes) between any 2 selected planes.

Auto Center Plane – reports Position to the center of airplane ribs using a mid-point between the two outer surfaces of the ribs.

Bisect Planes – create a new CAD plane mid-way between 2 selected CAD planes.

Single Point Plane – click anywhere in the graphics region to create a new CAD plane on the active CPlane (construction plane).
Create WCS:

WCS 3 Points – create a new WCS by selecting the origin, a point on the X-axis, and a point to define the XY plane.

WCS 2 Lines – create a new WCS by selecting a line that defines the X-axis and another line to define the XY plane.

WCS 3 Planes – select a plane whose normal will define the Z-direction, a 2nd plane (whose intersection with the 1st) defines the X-axis, and a 3rd plane (whose intersection with the 1st and 2nd) defines the origin.

WCS PPO – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-direction, a 2nd plane (whose intersection with the 1st) defines the X-axis, and a point along the intersection of the 2 planes to define the origin.

WCS PLP – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then select the X-axis, and finally a point to establish the origin.

WCS by XYZ ABC – define a new WCS relative to an existing WCS by entering the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the new WCS origin and (optionally) rotations about the X, Y, and Z axes.

WCS PAO – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then 2 points to define the X-axis, and finally a point to establish the origin.

WCS PLL – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then a line to define the X-axis, and finally a line to establish the Y-axis.

WCS by Matrix – define a new WCS by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates for the origin and I, J, K directional vectors to define the X, Y, and Z axes.