Verisurf Tools for Mastercam:

Verisurf Tools for Mastercam includes all of the Tools and Utilities listed below. The ribbon toolbar can be customized for your needs with the menu manager and individual tool icons can easily be added, reordered, or removed.


Verisurf Preferences – open Verisurf Preferences – Display Settings dialog.

toggle WCS axis

Toggle WCS Axes – toggles the display of the WCS axis symbol at the origin of the WCS.


Create 3D PDF – create an Adobe Acrobat 3D PDF file. Displays dimensional MBD, callouts, Datum Targets, and Analysis results.

Screenshot – captures graphics window images to be used in the Report Manager, Microsoft Paint, or Windows clipboard.

Notepad – add model-associated (Part) notes for the current model/file, or general notes that persist across all models.

Calculator – Windows system calculator.

Merge CAD Files – simultaneously (batch) merge multiple CAD files into a single file.

CAD Tools:

Minimum Bounding Box – used to determine the minimum material required for machining.

Auto Flip Normals – flip and correct surface normal direction for Inspect/Build or surface profile Analysis.

Power Select – select a seed surface and contiguous surfaces will be added to the selection.

Auto Hole-Axis – create hole axes, vectors, arcs, or points on all visible circular entities.

Hole-Axis – create a circle, centerline axis, centerpoint, or offset tooling point from a hole.

Pierce – create points at the intersection of line and surface entities.

Extend Lines – extend all or selected lines on the active CAD level.

Name Points – create labels to identify various points on the model, such as tooling
ball locations.

Fit Curve from Chain – fit splines through chained lines, arcs, and splines.


Grow Plane – grow selected CAD plane or selected CAD plane edge by 10%.

Shrink Plane – shrink selected CAD plane or selected CAD plane edge by 10%.

Trim Multiple Planes – trim selected planes at their intersections.

Trim Planes – trim (only) the first selected plane to the second selected plane.

Intersect Planes – create a line at the intersection of 2 planes or 2 planar entities.

Distance Between Planes – calculate the distance (parallel planes) or angle (non-parallel planes) between any 2 selected planes.

Auto Center Plane – reports Position to the center of airplane ribs using a mid-point between the two outer surfaces of the ribs.

Bisect Planes – create a new CAD plane mid-way between 2 selected CAD planes.

Single Point Plane – click anywhere in the graphics region to create a new CAD plane on the active CPlane (construction plane).

Create WCS:

WCS 3 Points – create a new WCS by selecting the origin, a point on the X-axis, and a point to define the XY plane.

WCS 2 Lines – create a new WCS by selecting a line that defines the X-axis and another line to define the XY plane.

WCS 3 Planes – select a plane whose normal will define the Z-direction, a 2nd plane (whose intersection with the 1st) defines the X-axis, and a 3rd plane (whose intersection with the 1st and 2nd) defines the origin.

WCS PPO – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-direction, a 2nd plane (whose intersection with the 1st) defines the X-axis, and a point along the intersection of the 2 planes to define the origin.

WCS PLP – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then select the X-axis, and finally a point to establish the origin.

WCS by XYZ ABC – define a new WCS relative to an existing WCS by entering the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the new WCS origin and (optionally) rotations about the X, Y, and Z axes.

WCS PAO – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then 2 points to define the X-axis, and finally a point to establish the origin.

WCS PLL – select a plane whose normal defines the Z-axis, then a line to define the X-axis, and finally a line to establish the Y-axis.

WCS by Matrix – define a new WCS by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates for the origin and I, J, K directional vectors to define the X, Y, and Z axes.