Software Highlights – CMM Programming
Convert to Features
Create a custom path on a unique object and convert it to a measurement feature for reporting:
This tool allows the user to use the Surface Point Tools (Grid, Dynamic, Curve to Surface Points) to select points on a surface for feature measurements, avoid holes and other objects, and convert them to features. This can be the preferred method for complex models rather than selecting the feature from CAD applying the standard feature, equal-spaced patterns. The user has complete control over the location of the points to be measured for inspecting the feature.
Create an Analysis object (surface points group) using one of the Surface Points tools. (Dynamic Surface Point used here)

The Analysis object is converted to a primitive shape (reportable feature) after defining the location of the surface points. Convert To automatically updates the Measure Settings to reflect the new feature type.

NOTE: Convert To can be used to change features to other features or back to an Analysis object. With each change, the Measure Settings update.