3D Metrology Software, Training and CMMs Skip to main content

Hotkeys – Shortcut Keys – for Verisurf Measurement and CAD Functions

3D Metrology Software, Training and CMMs
Measure Hotkeys – Measure Settings active, Graphical window has focus.
Key Function Description
1 Points Initiates Point measurement.
2 Lines Initiates Line measurement.
3 Circles Initiates Circle measurement.
4 Planes Initiates Line measurement.
5 Spheres Initiates Sphere measurement.
6 Cylinders Initiates Cylinder measurement.
7 Cones Initiates Cone measurement.
8 Slots Initiates Slot measurement.
9 Ellipses Initiates Ellipse measurement.
0 Inspect Initiates Inspect/Build mode.
A Arrows Toggles Build Arrow display On/Off while Inspect/Build.
B Ball Toggles On/Off to display measured points as spheres.
C Center Center the Graphics window on the current probe location.
D Done Terminate the measurement of the current feature.
G Color bar Toggle color bar gage.
K Skip Use during Auto Alignment and Auto Inspect.
L Laser beam Toggles Laser Beam display, from the origin of the active device to the measure Points.
M Projection Opens Preferences – Projection Settings.
N Name Toggles Point names On/Off.
P Mode Toggle between Single/Stationary Point and Continuous Pointcloud.
R Device DRO readout Toggles Device Manager display on/off.
S Settings Toggle to hide or unhide Measure Settings dialog.
U Undo Undo the last probe-hit or when measuring features, undo the feature. Works when using Measure and Auto Align.
V Vectors Toggles Feature and Point vectors on/off and small, mid, or large.
[+] Inc Increment the Point number.
[-] Dec Decrease the Point number.
ESC Finish/Abort Finish or Abort current Feature measurement.
Spacebar Measure Trigger measurements.
Operations Managers Hotkeys – Operations Manager, has focus.
Key Function Description
B Ball display Toggles on/off to display measured points as spheres.
D Feature display Toggle Feature body display.
G Alignment Global Register.
L Laser beam Toggles Laser Beam display, from the origin of the active device to the measure Points.
N Name Toggles point names on/off.
R Device DRO readout Toggles Device Manager on/off.
S Measured features Show feature measured points
V Vectors Toggles Feature and Point vectors On/Off.
Z Vector size Toggles the Vector of the Point or Feature; off, small, medium, or large.
Device Hotkeys
Button Function Description
First Trigger Record a probe-hit.
Second Done Terminate measurement of the current feature.
Second+hold Undo Undo the last probe-hit or, when measuring features, undo the feature.
F8 Home For Laser Trackers only.
Mastercam Hotkeys
Key Function Description
Spacebar Repeat Repeats previous command.
Alt + 1 GView – Top Top Graphics view.
Alt + 2 GView – Front Front Graphics view.
Alt + 3 GView – Back Back Graphics view.
Alt + 4 GView – Bottom Bottom Graphics view.
Alt +5 GView – Right Right Graphics view.
Alt +6 GView – Left Left Graphics view.
Alt + 7 GView – Isometric Isometric Graphics view.
Alt + Arrow Keys Rotate Rotate view.
Alt + C Run Add-In Run C-hooks.
Alt + D Drafting Options Opens Drafting Options.
Alt + E Hide / Unhide Hides / Unhides selected CAD entities.
Alt + F1 Fit Fit model to Graphics window.
Alt + F2 Unzoom 80% Unzoom view by 80%.
Alt + F4 Exit Mastercam Close Mastercam.
Alt + F8 Configure Mastercam Open Systems Configuration.
Alt + F9 Show Gnomons
Alt + F12 Rotate Position Select a center point for motion controller.
Alt + G Grid Settings Opens Grid Settings.
Alt + H Help Opens Mastercam Help.
Alt + I Solids Manager Opens Solids Manager.
Alt + L Planes Manager Opens Plane Manager.
Alt + M Multi-Threading Manager Opens Multi-Threading Manager.
Alt + O Toolpaths Manager Opens Toolpath Manager.
Alt + P GView – Previous View Returns GView to the previous view.
Alt + S Shading Toggle Toggles Shading On / Off.
Alt + T Show / Hide displayed Toolpaths Toggle Toolpaths On / Off.
Alt + V About Mastercam
Alt + X Set From Entity Select an entity to set Main Color, Level, Style, and Width.
Alt + Z Levels Manager Opens Level Manager.
Ctrl + A Select All Select all entities in Graphical window.
Ctrl + C Copy to Clipboard Copy selection to clipboard.
Key Function Description.
Ctrl + S Save Saves file.
Ctrl + T Shading translucency toggle Toggle Translucency on/off.
Ctrl + V Paste Pastes Clipboard contents to the graphical window.
Ctrl + X Cut to clipboard Move selection to clipboard.
Ctrl + Y Redo Redo previous commands with each click.
Ctrl + Z Undo Undo previous commands with each click.
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As Open File Save As dialog.
F1 Window Specify a Zoom Window using the mouse.
F2 Unzoom Previous 50% Unzoom previous view by 50%.
F4 Analyze Entity Select an Entity to Analyze.
F5 Delete Entities Select Entities to Delete.
F9 Show Axes Display X, Y, Z axes.
Arrow Keys Pan Use Arrow keys to Pan the direction of the Graphical view.
Pg. Up / Pg. Down Zoom /Unzoom by 5% Use Pg. Up to Zoom and Pg. Down to Unzoom by 5%.